Dividend Portfolio Update __ WoW!

I am going to start teaching about Dividend investing and sharing my real portfolio. It is amazing! Below is my current portfolio . . all numbers are for year-to-date. Remember from my last post, I started with a real $50,000 account . . . buying up some good yielding stocks that I saw probable stock-price improvement coming as well. By investing in dividend-growing stocks whose price is also growing results in huge income over time. I’ll get into such a lesson some time in the near future. For now, here is my current portfolio:

VALUE = how much money my initial investment is worth now . . . including dividends and sales

IN $TOCK = how much money is in the stock right now

SHARES = how many shares I currently own

COST/sh = initial price @ initial investment

%GAIN = overall gain since initial purchase = VALUE over Initial Investment $$